A Three Card Reading

The Past Card: By selecting a card from the past, you will gain a deeper understanding of the events and influences that have shaped your journey. This card will illuminate the lessons you have learned and the experiences that have shaped your present reality. It offers a glimpse into the foundations upon which you stand, helping you make sense of the past and guiding you toward embracing its wisdom.

The Present Card: This card holds the power to reveal the energies and circumstances that surround you in the present moment. It reflects your current state of being and sheds light on the opportunities, challenges, and emotions that define your reality. Exploring this card will provide you with invaluable insights into the choices and actions that can lead to a more fulfilling present and guide you toward aligning with your true purpose.

The Future Card: As you draw a card for the future, you unlock a window into the potential outcomes and possibilities that lie ahead. This card serves as a guidepost, offering glimpses of the path that unfolds before you. It presents you with a chance to make conscious choices and shape your destiny. Embrace the empowering knowledge revealed by this card, and allow it to inspire you to manifest your desires, navigate challenges, and embrace the future with clarity and confidence.

Embark on this captivating journey through time, and let the cards whisper their ancient wisdom. Each card holds a story, and by understanding your past, present, and future, you will gain deeper self-awareness, clarity, and guidance to shape your life's unfolding chapters. Trust in the cards, and let their enigmatic language be your gateway to transformation and enlightenment.

Try various combinations of using our three card reader to get an understanding of what a "spread" means.